
Showing posts from May, 2017

Business Translation: Direct Private Messaging (DPM)

Direct messaging (DM) has huge business value impacting employees, prospects and customers, and marketing, sales and operations. I have not seen an aggregated summary of DM, including what it is, its limitations and opportunities, so here it is. I prefer to refer to DM as Direct Private Messaging (DPM), which is the ability to send a private message directly to a customer(s) or any other person(s) associated with your channel or platform. A direct personalized and or segment level message creates engagement, response and ultimately customer satisfaction, lower costs and or higher revenues. The key channels with DPM include mail, email and cellphone. Digital platforms today include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and Pinterest. These channels and platforms differ on protocol, level of personalization, message and recipient sizes, allowable recipients and other features. Below is a summary of the nine service "Names." You will also see that there are five different pr...

Business Translation - AI, Automation, & Robotics

It is understandable that executives are scratching their heads when it comes to understanding or differentiating between AI, automation & robotics. These logic-based capabilities have a lot to offer businesses, especially in this period of digital transformation. Below is some high-level information on these terms. Artificial Intelligence (AI), Automation and Robotics are synonymous in that they require input(s), execute some logic/calculations and provide an output(s). At a high level the differences are the type, timing and number of inputs and outputs, the complexity of the calculations and the required computing power. At the end of the day these digitized logic capabilities speed up processes while increasing quality and reliability of data, provide better information, and reduce costs. Interest in these capabilities has been growing more significantly since mid-2016. The graph below shows the trend of these terms on Google in the U.S. AI has risen more substanti...